When recruiting for new employees, background check of potential candidates will not only give you peace of mind, it could also save your business a substantial amount of money.
Hiring a new member of staff can be a game changer for any business. Get it right and your newest recruit could help your business to grow, whilst hiring the wrong person could cause a whole host of problems.
It can be very difficult to get a true sense of what a person is like from just one or two brief interviews, and with a shocking number of candidates now being reported to tell lies or stretch the truth on their CVs it is difficult to know what to believe.
Background check investigations will not only put your mind at rest that you’re making the right choice for your business, it will also help to protect you from a costly mistake.
Here are five ways that background check investigations on potential hires could help save your business money.

Helps to prevent expensive hiring mistakes
Recruiting for a new member of staff can be a costly and time-consuming process so it’s important that your business does what it can to make sure that you hire the right person the first time. Whilst a thorough interview process is an excellent start, you cannot account for candidates lying on their CV or during their interviews. Hiring a private investigator to perform a background check on a candidate before a hiring decision is made can help to weed out candidates telling lies about their experience and qualifications before you offer them the job. Hiring someone that has lied about their experience can lead to poor work performance, time and money wasted on training and more costs related to rehiring later down the line.
Protect your business from liability
Make sure you are offering the right level of protection to your customers and employees by ensuring that you really know who it is that you’re employing, by carrying out a background check. If you’ve failed to carry out a background check and one of your recruits causes harm to an employee or customer then you could find yourself with an expensive liable case on your hands. A background check will put your mind at rest that your new employee is who they say they are.
Avoid hiring employees with a history of theft
Whether it’s theft of stock, a client, or other intellectual property, employee theft can be an unpleasant and expensive problem. Employees that steal from their workplace will often have done so before at previous places of employment, so a background check can unearth a criminal record or past grievances to protect your business. With stats showing that 33% of business bankruptcies are caused by employee theft, is this really a check you can afford not to do?
Protect and retain your staff
It can be extremely difficult to make an accurate judgement on a person’s character and temperament after only meeting them a couple of times. Whilst your candidate might seem friendly enough during their interview it can be very difficult to predict from this how they will behave once they have been hired. Background check investigations can uncover a criminal record with the correct consent or any incidents from their personal or professional life suggesting a tendency to violence or anger issues. Hiring an unpleasant individual could also cause existing valued employees to jump ship.
Protect your business’ reputation
Hiring the wrong person can be very damaging to your business and its reputation. If you hire someone who doesn’t have the knowledge or experience to perform well or turns out to be a negative force on your business it can have devastating consequences, from lost clients or employees to a lawsuit. Help to protect your business’ reputation by checking that potential candidates have the experience and know-how that they claim to have before making that all-important hiring decision.
For more information on how Insight Investigations, a reputed private detective agency in the UK can help your business, contact us via the number below or via our contact us form.
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