Stalker Investigations

Feel like you are being watched? Seen the same face out the corner of your eye? New person in your life showing unwanted attention?

Feeling like you are being stalked is very distressing and can damage your mental wellbeing, trust and relationships. Let Insight help distance you from your stalker.
Having a stalker is bad enough, but to see the stalker following you so closely is alarming

Stalking/Stalker is defined as:

“Unwanted or obsessive attention or surveillance towards a person or a group”

And it can be enormously distressing for a person who believes they are being stalked.

Stalking is linked to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them.

In May 2012, the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 created the offence of stalking for the first time in England/Wales by inserting these offences into the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

In more extreme circumstances, it falls to the person being stalked to do something about this themselves and at Insight we have first-hand experience of helping victims of stalking.

One of our undercover team was responsible for conducting a background search and tracking down the stalker of Dr Alison Hewitt in 2010. This helped local police apprehend the stalker before he could commit the crime. Without our intervention, the story might have had a very different outcome. Read the story here:

This case was featured in Dispatches on Channel 4 on 22nd November 2012 and our Private Investigator, shown in the programme as Elliott Jackson, was instrumental in helping apprehend the perpetrator and bring him to justice.

The programme synopsis is as follows:

When busy trainee doctor Alison Hewitt joined a dating agency in 2010, she had no idea that her actions would set in motion a terrifying chain of events that would threaten the lives of her and her family.

She thought the man she was meeting was a respectable Canadian businessman living in London called Al Amin Dhalla. At first their relationship blossomed, but soon Alison’s mother Pam grew suspicious of the man who seemed to harbour many dark secrets.

Pam turned Miss Marple, hired a private investigator to find out more and soon realised that Dhalla’s entire life story was based on lies. It was only when Alison finished the relationship however that the real Dhalla emerged.

The family soon found out that Dhalla – classed as a narcissistic psychopath – would stop at nothing to win Alison back.

Starting with poison pen letters, his campaign of terror soon escalated to arson, building a mobile torture chamber in his van, and eventually hiring a hit man – all while tracking Alison and her family’s every move.

Five different police forces became engaged in a cat and mouse chase that saw them constantly one step behind Dhalla as he sought revenge for what he saw as the ultimate betrayal.

This is a true life crime committed in middle England, but with the plot of a Hollywood thriller.

Through exclusive access to Alison, her family and the officers involved – who say they narrowly prevented a triple murder – plus police surveillance and CCTV footage, this nail-biting film tells the frightening story of what could happen if there’s a stalker at the heart of your family.

This case was also reported on in the Crime & Investigation Channel on Sky, with our Director, Tony Smith receiving praise for his work on the case.

Find out the truth today – arrange a confidential consultation.


What to do if you believe you are being stalked

If you believe you are being stalked then your first port of call must be to inform the local police. Quite often you will need evidence to back up this allegation.

Employing the services of a private investigator can help to establish the evidence you require by conducting counter surveillance to establish if this is happening. It is worth noting that for an offence to have been committed there needs to be 2 occasions where a person has experienced fear, alarm or distress.

You may be aware of who your stalker is, an ex-partner, a rejected admirer, somebody you have met online? Conducting a background check could be invaluable to gather evidence of the person’s previous misdoing.

If you don’t know who is stalking you this can be even more frightening. If the problem persists, or you cannot establish who is stalking you, as is often the case with cyberstalking, then you should contact us for advice on how we may be able to help on the below number or use our contact us page.

Please note: Insight Investigations are a private investigation agency and are NOT a helpline or charity. We will always do our best to help every caller.

If you are not yet ready, or it is not necessary to instigate a stalker investigation.

There is now a much better awareness with laws in place to protect you, along with recognised agencies that can help. National Stalking Helpline (Suzy Lamplugh Trust) or GOV.UK – Report a stalker

Find out the truth today – arrange a confidential consultation.


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