Your Security

Being safe and secure is often something overlooked as everyone says “it will never happen to me” but what happens if it does. What if you are forced into a situation where you feel that you are being harassed or intimidated?

Reach out and ask for help to ensure you are safe and secure.
Your security is something that can be overlooked, make sure your are protected.

The importance of your security, be that security of your property, your home, your family, yourself, is at constant risk of compromise. Insight provide a comprehensive service customised to protect yourself, your environment and assets while complying with stringent legal standards.

Many people take what are considered to be normal measures to ensure their safety and security, for matters such as theft and personal security, but what happens when matters stretch beyond what you can normally do to safeguard things.

Harassment or Nuisance

There are a wide range of devices and “apps” now available on the open market which enable you to record the content of incoming and outgoing calls on landline and mobile phones enabling you to gain the evidence that nuisance or harassing behaviour is occurring causing either you or your family distress.

Finding the root cause of this is infinitely more difficult and in some cases cannot be done. Withheld telephone numbers, and fake email addresses can deliver the most distressing levels of harassment.

If you have an indication of who may be responsible, gaining the evidence that it is happening can assist you in taking matters further and to the authorities.

If you have cause to believe that your property is being accessed without your permission, either by a stranger or by a person known to you that is no longer welcome, then we can provide a range of discreet solutions that alert you to when this is happening, capture images and audio of these events enabling you to gain evidence that this intrusion has occurred.

Surveillance is quite often the best approach to this. By conducting static surveillance, we are then able to witness the incident, and where appropriate follow the subject to establish who they are, giving you all the evidence you may need.

Find out the truth today – arrange a confidential consultation.



Stalking of any person, for the recipient, can be terrifying. Unwanted advances, the fear of always being watched and the very real danger of matters escalating to more serious issues is very daunting.

On 20th January 2020 the UK introduced New Stalking Protection orders (SPOs).

Gaining evidence via counter surveillance and background checks to back up your case can assist.

For more information, see How to Prevent Online Stalking.

Insight have in depth experience in such cases, and one of the cases we have been involved with in recent years has led to a Channel 4 documentary together with being screened on the Crime & Investigation channel on Sky TV.

One of the very rewarding outcomes of this case was that our client and her family ultimately remained safe, and the offender received a lengthy prison sentence – More information


You may be concerned by changes in behaviour in your child, that he or she is suffering from bullying or nuisance behaviour from either peers or elders. In this highly technological era, computers, iPads, mobile phones, social network sites, even phone calls and messaging services, all play a part in entertaining a child. Ensure that these are safe and secure for your child to access.

If your child is frightened and hiding this, there are a range of devices that can gain access to their computer and recover lost or deleted information. This could assist in you being able to take steps to protect your child and impress upon them the importance of telling you when things do not appear normal, enabling you to get to the truth and more importantly enable you to help your child.

In very extreme cases, you may want to employ a private investigator to conduct surveillance on your child. This is a very delicate matter, where our investigators can witness any harassment that has moved on from cyber-bullying, recording any unwanted behaviour towards them, whilst outside the home or school. This then gives you the ability to speak with your child and where necessary report matters.

Find out the truth today – arrange a confidential consultation.



There may be times when you feel that you or your family are at threat. The threat of blackmail is often frightening and worrying. This behaviour has unfortunately been around for years, but with the onset of on-line activity, the damage can be far more reaching.

Blackmail is a serious offence which in the UK is covered by Section 21 of the Theft Act 1968. The act explains UK blackmail law, in legal terms, when unwarranted demands are made with menaces in order to attain personal gain. (

“The act of forcing someone to do or pay something by threatening to reveal a secret”

The internet and “shame sites” are a very unpleasant and spiteful advancement of what can happen, the fear people can have if they do not comply with a blackmailers demands, can lead to immeasurable damage to the recipient of such actions.

Quite often internet dating or relationships struck up from this method can lead to demands for money. Uncovering who these individuals are can be a difficult and painstaking tasks. What starts out as a potential on-line romance, can lead to the disclosure of information to a person you believe you have developed a special bond with, which is particularly damaging when this is then used against you for blackmail purposes.

Insight have over the years assisted many clients who find themselves in this position. Gaining knowledge of who your blackmailers are can be part of the issue. Getting to the bottom of a fake identity, and conducting surveillance to establish who they are gives you back some control.

Pre-marital Checks

If you have concerns about the future happiness and security of a family member or yourself, who may already have children, this may be a 2nd marriage? Conducting a pre-marital check can assist. Has the relationship advanced quite quickly? Is there little known about the intended bride or groom? Are there suspicions if they are being honest? What is their background? Have you heard rumours about their character and you want to safeguard yourself or your family member from any potential future safety issues?

If you have any fears or doubts on any matter relating to yours or your families security, talk to one of our specialist team, who will be able to advise you on the feasibility of looking further into the issue.

The Insight team are able to provide a free no obligation discussion. Contact us now to review your options on the number below or use our contact us page.

Find out the truth today – arrange a confidential consultation.


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