Tracing Missing Persons Investigations
Looking for a family member or friend who has lost contact, or somebody who has deliberately disappeared and wants to remain hidden?
These are just a few reasons why you want to find someone, let Insight help find that someone for you.
Are you trying to find or trace a missing person maybe a long-lost relative? Seeking a friend who has drifted out of contact? Searching for a witness or debtor?
People are searching for others for a variety of reasons, from a family member or friend who has lost contact, to somebody who has deliberately disappeared and wants to remain hidden.
Tracing a missing person on your own can be a very stressful time, and it can feel like a long, relentless task. At Insight Investigations, we have a highly experienced team of private detectives with the skills and expertise to help you in your search, with all the up to date tools and resources available to the modern investigation.
Often people disappear for no apparent reason, sometimes it is just to get away from it all.
Searching for a Missing Person
By the time people turn to a private investigator, they have usually exhausted every option available to them. The police have a very specific definition of a missing person and are often unable to help. If you have reached this stage, it is likely that you feel tired, frustrated, and are on the brink of giving up your search.
Some people will prefer us to commence the trace investigation from the start, if they have little information to go on, or are not in a position to undertake simple internet research.
Ideally we would like as much information as you can give at the start of our investigation, including full name, date of birth, last known address, any family members or works address, or any information you feel is relevant. This gives us the best chance to find the subject quickly. However, if the information you have is more limited than that, we will still do our best to help. We have traced people with the smallest of information, and achieve a 95% success rate.
Are you searching for a missing person? Our experts are here to help
Tracing Birth Parents
Tracing Birth Parents can be a sensitive but often rewarding enquiry to undertake. Insight have specialist Private Investigators with many years of experience to assist with these specialist enquiries. More Information Tracing Birth Parents
The Role of a Private Investigator
Tracing and finding a missing person is one of the most varied investigations we carry out, with the method depending largely on the information we have to start with, and whether or not that person wants to be found, or even knows they are being sought.
Our team has years of experience in tracing missing people and we do not simply rely on outdated information available on the internet. We use a combination of investigative techniques including searching public records, business records like director information, and voter registration, together with other sources at our disposal. Where necessary, we will visit friends and family and carry out physical searches of their last known address.
When we have tracked down the missing person, we will provide you with their contact details. If you want, we can make contact with the person on your behalf and arrange to set up a meeting. In certain circumstances you may wish us to carry out a situation report, so that you know a little about the person before contact is made. This is usually most helpful when tracing distant relatives or people you have not seen for some time, or never met.
We have an excellent track record of finding people where other investigations have failed, we always comply with data protection and privacy laws which debtors often hide behind. This can make the investigation last longer, but we have the determination and patience to succeed in our task.
Insight Investigations enjoys one of the highest success rates in the industry, and we have a reputation for rooting out the most elusive of people. If you are seeking a missing relative or friend, or need to track down a witness or a debtor, contact the team at Insight today for understanding advice and to see how we can help you.
Find out the truth today – arrange a confidential consultation.