Employee Accident Investigations

Are there suspicions that a work related injury may be over exaggerated or non-existent in the first place?

Insight can help you gather the facts and help protect your business from further actions.
Employee accident investigations usually gather data and evidence to determine who was at fault within a workplace accident.

Employee Accident Investigations offer companies the reassurance of conducting discrete  investigations, where the information gained from such investigations may be required to defend your company from allegations of injury at work, or injuries suffered through the course of a person’s employment.

1.3 million workers suffered from work related ill-health and there were 609,000 workplace injuries in 2016/17, according to the latest annual statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Injury at work needs to be taken most seriously by employers, but unfortunately in these modern times of Insurance claim compensation culture employers need to do all they can to protect themselves from vexatious litigants, in Employee Accident Investigations.

Though there were fewer prosecutions taken in 2016/17, the statistics show an increase in fines compared to the 2015/16 total of £38.8 million. The HSE also highlights that new sentencing guidelines in England and Wales were introduced in 2016.

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If you have suspicions that a work related injury may be over exaggerated, Insight can help you gather the facts, for Employee Accident Investigations.

  • Gather evidence from work colleagues
  • Conduct discreet surveillance
  • Conduct background investigations
  • Establish current mobility and activities that give a better understanding of an employees’ capabilities

Insight have in the past been able to report to clients, where over exaggerated injuries are claimed. An injury at work may well be justified, but to what level? Claiming you are unable to enjoy past activities, such as Golf – cycling – even walking without the aid of support, may be an exaggeration to increase such claims. Even when there is suffering.

Of course, taking these measures may also reassure you that claims are very justified, regardless of what rumour may be suggesting.

Let Insight assist you with employee accident investigation to discover the truth, talk to one of our expert team on the number below or alternatively click on our Contact Us page, where your discussion will be completely confidential and free of charge.

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