Employee Misconduct
The workforce is a powerful asset if morale is kept high and everyone plays their part. If one employee is showing unacceptable behaviour then it makes someone else’s job more difficult.

Employee misconduct is damaging in any business. Insight Investigations are able to assist, by providing the findings of an investigation, enabling you to taking an informed decision on the action you take going forwards.
General Misconduct
These are actions undertaken without harmful intent but will be kept on file as infractions or notes. These include lateness, repeated absence, failure to complete work to an expected standard, or inappropriate behaviour toward co-workers.
Speedy actions to deal with such matters can have a positive impact on the rest of the company, coming from the knowledge that a company deals with such matters swiftly before matters are allowed to escalate.
Gross Misconduct
These are actions that are undertaken with intent and are serious enough to warrant immediate dismissal or firing. This can result in severance without pay, the removal of pay in lieu, or even firing without previous offences being recorded. These matters can be as serious as theft, property damage, physical assault, drug and alcohol use, and worse.
An employee’s gross misconduct can damage the moral of the workforce and in extreme cases where allegations of abuse against another employee occur, you have a duty of care to investigate these allegations.
Where an employee’s conduct has had an effect on a customer/client, these matters need investigating to establish the facts of the matter, and thus ensuring the reputation of the company.
Investigating gross misconduct within a company gives a clear signal that relays to people both internally and externally that you value the working environment of your employees, whilst at the same time upholding company values.
Undertaking a gross misconduct firing can result in you being left open to legal action or a formal employment complaint against your company if you haven’t conducted the dismissal process appropriately.
24/7 Help & Advice
How can employee misconduct impact your business?
Employees are unquestionably one of your businesses most valuable assets. They are representatives of your company and are often entrusted with sensitive information that may be of value to your competitors.
If misconduct rears its head, this can compound a negative effect on your staff in terms of morale, affect your professional reputation, and cause issues to the day-to-day running of your work.
Any issues surrounding theft of company property, intelligence, customers, money and resources obviously has an impact on any company’s ability to stay competitive in today’s environment. Uncovering these issues can not only be time consuming, but knowing the best approach to take can save valuable time in securing company assets.
In today’s fast moving economy, and the onset of matters such as GDPR, areas of gross misconduct extend beyond such matters as internal theft and employee absenteeism, a company needs to think of its security, its data, and how an employee conducts themselves with not only clients’ information but also other staff members.
Social media has bought many benefits to the world, but it also has its disadvantages, giving customers an instant platform to report misconduct, that could well be unjustified.
In any business, large or small, there is always going to be a risk of employee misconduct that will never go away. This ranges from theft and laziness, moonlighting and malingering, or more severe acts of sabotage or harm. Unfortunately, if these incidents are not dealt with swiftly, they can affect company finances and cause day to day disruption to other staff members that can be hard to resolve.
How to I deal with employee misconduct?
Get to the evidence and the route of the problem by speaking to one of the team at Insight Investigations to see what can be done. We listen to the issues, understand the problem and advise the best way to approach it, this will then give you the knowledge you require to deal with these matters.
With over 35 years’ experience, Insight are able to give a wide range of options available to resolve the matter and once an investigation is complete you will have the evidence or information you require to make an informed decision on how to proceed.
Gaining the correct evidence in a legal matter is imperative for any action that may then be required as evidence for legal proceedings. At all times, Insight follow our Associations’ code of conduct to ensure that the facts are given to you legally.
The Insight team are able to provide a free no obligation discussion. Call us now to review your options on the number below or use our contact us page.
24/7 Help & Advice