Every employer wants to find the perfect candidate to fit the available job role being advertised within their business, most employers would probably agree that there are a few key components that would almost certainly be considered as key factors for landing the role;
- Honesty
- Experience
- Proven Track Record
- Enthusiasm
- Good References
- Ambition
It doesn’t matter which order you put these in, one of the factors is the stand out point which could have a long term bearing on any business when they choose to hire a new employee, honesty.

PR managers, directors and recruiters of every level in every type of business will have seen hundreds, if not thousands of CVs that all seem to fit the bill for the available role with some almost seeming too good to be true. CVs filled with experience, good references, personal overviews and qualifications could land a potential employee an interview there and then if that is the case; employers however should be vigilant and make sure the person really is what and who they say they are in their CV.
Employing the skills of a private detective agency who have years of experience and offer services such as criminal background checks and personal background checks could be the best decision a company ever makes. We are not for one minute suggesting that every candidate is a liar and need to be checked, however as everyone in the modern world knows, these are tough financial times and people quite often exaggerate or even drop in a few white lies to enhance their chances of landing an interview or job.
There have been many cases of what can only be deemed as fraudsters or criminals faking CVs and their personal backgrounds to infiltrate all sizes of business from small SMEs through to blue chip organisations; criminal background checks and personal background checks will uncover the truth before this type of person commences their new role.
For this reason perhaps every business should really consider carrying out detailed checks on their final shortlist of candidates, there may not be a lot to decide between applicants; a background check could be the decisive influence if an applicant turns out to be false and indeed connected to criminal activity.
Insight would urge employers and specialist recruitment agencies who make employee decisions on behalf or large firms to consider this solution to ensure long term financial and trading stability.